

0:00 ある夜、こてつの左耳に異変が
0:42 検索すると「耳血腫」と出てきた
1:36 こてつはいつもと変わらぬ様子
2:11 Uberスタイルで病院へ
3:05 概ね平常通り
3:44 原因は分からぬまま


【英語版サブチャンネル】Russian Blue cat Kotetsu




One night, Kotetsu [Russian Blue]’s ears were a little swollen. I was curious and searched on the internet, and it turned out to be a suspicion of “ear hematoma”. It seems that the cartilage is damaged by external factors and the blood collects inside the ear. Common in dogs, but rare in cats. When we went to the hospital the next day, the doctor’s assessment was as expected.
Kotetsu doesn’t seem to feel anything, but I will continue to monitor the progress carefully. “Even my perfect body has a few flaws.”

#ロシアンブルー #russianblue #こてつ #耳血腫 #犬

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